Friday, December 18, 2020

Blessed Blossoming

 Hello Sweet Luvs.

(pulling you into my arms for a 60 second swaying hug) If you know me, if you are reading this blog, then you probably know I haven't been around lately. THIS was the year of challenges. The flower of me was cut to the ground.

(sighing) I won't go into the details about the losses. If you know me, then you know what has happened in my life. 

I flew to Ireland to be re-planted. To take the cutting of my rose-self and replant it. The rain is sweet and soft upon my face and shoulders. I have gotten used to the freezing cold water and look forward to swimming in these waters when quarantine is over.

Finding what you are good at, what you want to do every day of your life, is a lovely adventure. Now that I am here, in Ireland, taking photographs, playing with them in photoshop and illustrator I realize the center point. What we spend our time doing, is what we love.

time doing,
is what 

So, think on that for a moment. Let it materialize, walk around what you do in your minds eye. See the activity. Do you take photos, do you write, do you sit on instagrams all day or scroll in facebook all day?
It is okay. No judgement.
Are you making money off of any of this?

(chuckling) Admittedly, I am not making money. That is the trick then, the bridge to a glorious life. 

Orrrrr is it? Do you want to be doing your hobby all the time? Then would it become druggery? 

Well. I have no answers. I suppose I am just stirring the stick in the mud. I do like watching the swirls of mud flow in the crystal clear water. And I do love watching the river clear itself. Pure magical delight.

I do a few things that I make money from. I play with mud and make mud pies with children. I also illustrate and make money off of those creative play things. 

 I am blossoming now. 

Playing, creating, becoming again.

The future looks crystal clear.

Take this season to rejuvenate and rest.

Let the negative go.

Let the hole be healed.

It takes time.

KNOW you are loved.

We are in this together.

The you tube link is from the movie "Fiddler on the roof" I do not claim anything to do with it. I just want to share its "holiness". May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Blessed Prayer Song