Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dragon Lotus

The Dragon Lotus.

Art that found itself sketched out. Drawn with Walter Anderson's acorn swirl over crossing pattern in mind.

The beauty of the lotus bites.
Life bites.
We found ourselves

Trying to figure out this one thing:
What is the purpose of life.

How do we best live, our best life.

Perhaps we are all afraid we will loose our "wild side". I guess I am.

I looked in lots of places, found all these "me's"- these faces looking back. I knew one thing, the bond between mother and child is a golden light that reaches into the center of the earth.

I want to have what a friend has, she has amazing incredible memories and traveled the world with her mom. I want to have that sort of relationship with my children. The dragon wild side will blend with the beauty of the lotus, there will be a path, it will be unique and one-of-a-kind. The dragon will fly and the lotus will grow its roots.

Perhaps the roots grow into the flames of the dragon. That makes a little sense.

Shaking my head. A little sense is all I have at the moment. So. We. Shall. Leave. It . Here.

Keep soaring wild lotus dragons. Keep finding the music of your soul.

Merging with another is a complicated dance. I hope you succeed.

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