Saturday, July 29, 2017

Butterfly and crows

Playing with a butterfly photograph.
Judith Parsons Ireland 2017

I wrote another blog yesterday about addiction, and then this white butterfly showed up last night. Then I decided to make art with it.
The art spoke louder than the addiction. Truth be told, it was a little preachy. NO one likes to be preached at…so I spared you the boring blog.
I am very in tune with what crosses my path.
Last night a white moth landed upon my hand. I made art with it. What you see is plain ole’ playing in photoshop. It is a favorite thing to do.

This morning a hundred black birds flew into 2 trees down the lane. I can remember the other time the birds did that. Those sorts of moments stay with you. Do you remember life events, memories with birds that speak to your soul?

I was teaching school in Louisiana, it was wintertime and there was a chill in the air. I remember being in awe of the covering of black in the sky. The birds obscured the blue for a few seconds. It was a memory that lodged itself firmly in the filing cabinet of my mind.

I looked up the Native American medicine lesson and was graced with the words about the crow being the keeper of the sacred law. The crow was the shape shifter, the changer and maker of reality. A lovely read about appreciating your life and the abundance you have.

Try if you are so inclined to live life without obscuring your reality. Life in the moment of butterflies and crows. Turn on your tunes, music soothes the savage beast. Breathe, relax, tap your toes, raise your shoulders…sashay. (Just because I love that word!!)

Thank you for reading. Thank you Anita for allowing me to ramble on about the nothings and everythings here in your beautiful home.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Five steps up 2 steps back

Today you have an rambling words.

Just steps

moving upward


as they rise


Rotating the steps

Making them transparent

Nothing special

Just art for arts sake
Judith Parsons Art- i Ireland 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017


“Is it Raining?!%#!”

Out of a deep sleep she startles wide awake with the question: “Is it raining?” I could tell by the saucer size eyes upon her face, it was. I didn’t have to look out the window. Awakened from a deep solid sleep, Anita has super powers beyond belief. 

The woman can hear rain out a dead sleep. I look out the window and surer than hell the heavens had opened upon out lovely dry clothes. Yes, I saw as we both bolt outside to quickly retrieve the days/damp/wet wash. 

I must say, Ireland makes my heart strong. That moment- that terrible awakening with her hand grasping my bicep with clenched fingers, brought me wide awake like a lightning bolt. Ireland is not for the weak of heart.

The wash is in! Mission accomplished! Never have I felt more aware of how much time and effort goes into to clean clothes. Cleanliness is totally next to Godliness. God must be Irish
 and a WOMAN!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


The one attribute that keeps me coming back is compassion. Compassion is an incredible gift to give another person. If you are caring for an elderly parent or a person with dementia then you know exactly where I am coming from. Whether the decline is of the body or the mind, you as the caregiver are standing in the rapids of life. Trying to support and hold up a loved one who can’t stand up in the harsh flowing waters of life anymore.

Anita is doing that for her mother. It is a constant energy buttressing and supporting her mother. 
The photograph you see is a local cathedral not far from her home, I could have found a better image of a church with buttressing. Sorry. 

How ever if you know your art history then you know the term “buttress”. As men designed and built churches that were taller and more magnificent they needed to design reinforcing walls to help hold up the basilica design. Most of the churches were built with large stain glass windows that allowed magical light into the interior.

So the challenge was to support a wall, without blocking the light from the large windows. Thus, the buttressing design was created. What has all of this to do with compassion and caring for an older person. It is the constant buttressing. The supporting of another soul 24/7.

Anita is an amazing woman. She doesn’t complain about her role as caregiver. She goes about her daily routines with a smile upon her face and strong straight back. She is doing what needs to be done.

She is a saint in my eyes. She is my inspiration and my heroine. 

Anita, your soul is stain glass- glowing incredibly!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Original art by Judith Parsons Art 2017
There are energies in the world that change us. Memories that stay lodged between the boulders of our mind. Trapped words written down upon the gray cells that forever stay.

Candles and colors of orange sunsets stay with us. The magic of the candle light flickering dancing shadows that create faces from flowers bouquets or plastic bags.

As an artist I have always seen people and faces hidden in rocks, plastic, clouds, and wood grains. They are endless and I accept these shapes and faces as angels helping me along upon my quest here upon this realm. The night that Anita saw the man in the plastic turf bag and pointed it out to me, changed our relationship.

It was a lightning strike of knowing similar “eyes”. It was a night beside the cast iron stove, the door open emitting golden yellow light upon a bag of turf. Clear as day- a small man stood with a flat cap on his head. 

The man was made from the plastic bag holding turf. I will never forget that similar seeing moment with Anita.

The image you see is made from the light of 3 candles. I rotated the image 32 degrees and repeated it. A lovely little piece of art.

There is much magical energy in Ireland. Realms of men and faces just beneath the surface of our watery reality. Anita’s energy has changed me, she is a powerhouse of healing. 

Thank you for stopping by and reading. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Anita. Chapter One.

One-of-a-kind art by Judith Parsons Art 2017

She is wild and untamed. She is the great unknown in her growl in the middle of the night. She is the bear of the sleep world and allows herself to be seen when she sleeps. She is a phenomena that scares the hell out of me, though- when I first experienced the bear of her soul I thought I could tame her.

I was wrong. There is no taming this wild woman who crosses the realm of sleep into the realm of dark realities.

She is worthy of a book. Today is day one of her story. I will try and do her justice. 

Her hair is wavy thick silky black curls down her back, her statue is sturdy and straight backed. Her shoulders are strong and her legs even stronger. She was built for climbing mountains yet when she walks over the octagonal columns at Giants Causeway, she is nimble upon her feet stepping over the uneven stones as if she grew up upon them.

She is an enigma. There is no capturing of her, even as I start writing here now, I know it is futile. As soon as I think I know who she is, she changes. 

She took the photograph of the gothic window you see. She is a fabulous photographer. She always replies with the statement: “It is the camera.” And we all know the fabulous chef who cooks a magnificent meal and when he is complimented upon his food- he doesn’t say: “It is the oven”.  She has a glorious eye for “seeing”. I am thrilled to have her talents to assist my work.

I took the gothic window photograph image and repeated it and rotated it around. Sacred geometry is a huge part of my art now. 

Anita is also a huge part of my life now.

We are learning how to dance this waltz called life. And it is hilarious at time and painful at times. We step upon one another’s toes often. Both of us desiring to lead the dance. Both strong bull headed women.

She is this image, a complicated flowering window. Allowing magnificent light to shine through her soul.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Soaring Art- Created by Judith Parsons Art 2017
Soaring Art.

Just playing! I love adobe Illustrator and photoshop!

Life is amazing!

Expect miracles!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

The River Runs Wild

Created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
Created by Judith Parsons Art 2017

The river is wild, with her trees growing over the river. The storms of the past year caught debris upon the trees branches blocking the river. There was no way past the blockage.

Anita and I were on a mission to FREE the river from the past storms. We had secretaries, and a large lopper chopper to free the river and clear her. We really didn’t have a clue exactly how blocked the river was. A year ago we walked up it, and didn’t have the time to properly free her waters.

We came upon a huge tree that had eroded away and fallen over into the river. First, we used the small pruning tools to remove the outer branches. Edward scissor hand would have been proud. 

Anita and I moved into the tree and kept clearing away the branches. Finally we found the larger branches that was holding the storms bounty. With much strength the two of us were able to push the cutting loppers together to cut through some huge large blockages in the river.

Anita and I are finally learning how to let our river flow full on. No blockages. We are helping one another clear the negativity from our existence. It simply isn’t needed anymore.

I have grown leaps and bounds in my objectivity and in being able to NOT take every thing as a personal assault. THAT is a huge thing from someone who grew up being the cry-baby of the family.

The river is flowing in every cell of my body, my body and mind is stronger and better for meeting Anita. Admittedly, we all have crutches, things we use to escape this reality. Though, when I am with Anita, I do not want to be in a fog. I want to be awake when I am with her.

I want to own myself.

As I stepped out of the river, upon the mossy soft grass covering the stone I smiled. Here, was my natural carpet. My toes wiggled upon the warm moss and I turned  to watch the water flow. SHE was flowing full force now, nothing was stopping her. Her music was splashing and swirling wonderfully.

SHE was smiling and singer in her freedom. The merging of river and self was magical. God knows it feels good to be in nature, where everything is happening perfectly.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

It is all about the light.

Thank you Paddy for the tree lights!! I love them!
Graphic created by Judith Parsons Art 2017
Woman's face upon the wood.

There are 2 elements to Anita’s garden that thrill me to no end. One is the chimney chunga that we light fires in and the other is a cherry tree which we have strung lights in. They both have a magical light element that mesmerizes me.

We sit under the stars watching the flames dance about. The fire is cozy and warm. You know how an out door fire soothes the soul. The fire here talks to Anita and I, we sit quietly for an hour, no need to talk, comfortable in our silence. Then when we do speak and ask a question, the fire awakens and adds her two cents of conversation.

The fire evening gives us messages within the ashes. Here is an example of the fire giving us a message. There is a woman’s face upon one of the logs that was in the fire. As plain as day she can be seen. Anita and I were discussing Joan of Arc. Thomas, (waving) her brother mentioned that Joan of Arc was burned alive for being a cross dresser. Hm. Who knew? I have never heard of that. Looked it up via wikipedia and sure enough, that was what it said.

Then the lights that shine in the back tree. Thank you Paddy for the lights (hugging you tight), they are solar charged and are perfect as they glow softly and change colors. It is a comforting light to look out the window and see in the middle of the night.

There is magic to be had. it shows up in the littlest ways. Thank you Paddy for the lights, thank you Thomas for the Joan of Arc tip. The fire heard our words.

Life is divine.

Smiling, singing, shining and sashaying.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Jumping for Joy!!

An original design created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
By Judith Parsons Art
Hey Sweet Friends!!

I am jumping for joy!

Life is amazing and I am heading to Ireland for 2 months.

Here is your chance, to meet hire an artist who can just about create anything. And if the creation is beyond my abilities then I will find a stone carver that can help you out.

I am grinning from ear-to-ear! My energy is buzzing with delight!

Facebook is so nice to reflect the old memories that we have posted. A great note about goodness and love that I had posted because of an art history class reminded me of how we have all been searching for the divine since words have been written.

I will write and blog from Ireland!
Got to run- a shuttle awaits! Much Love Peeps! Remember: DANCE!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Foggy silence

Original art created by Judith Parsons Art. 
Fog shrouds all energy and calms everything down. The tiny wet molecules dampening down everything it touches.

We need silence. 

Most of us don’t think of the silent treatment as a gift. Though really, it is. Usually the silent treatment arises after harsh words have been spoken. The room is filled with grief over the pain. The gasping is made as the body reacts to the hurt that has been flung about.

The tears come preparing for transformation. 

Will you take it? Will you stand for the hurt that has been thrown at you?  It takes time for the energy of the hurt to settle. Hurt, pain, and anger are all parts of life. We have to be objective enough to see the hurt. 

Something has to change.

The body is waiting for you to defend yourself. Eventually you will find your voice and ask for an apology. Eventually you will speak because you know that you can not continue to live a life of regret. You know your body will start caving in upon itself if you keep letting the filth of that energy be flung at you.

While we ponder upon the changes that need to be made the silence of fog rolls in. No one wants to talk. The silence of the fog knows that. The fog quiets the static of the energy.
The fog is the reset button.

Start over.

Leave. the. madness. 

While you ponder all the options allow the quiet fog to give you breathing room. The silence is okay. Embrace the fog. Use the fog as a blanket to hide under while you figure out the monsters under your bed.

The sun will come out, the sun will burn away the fog. But for now, USE the fog as a way to sneak in the answers. Safe and sound covered in misty white clouds.

Rest. Gather yourself in. Find your happiness inside the fog. 

I love you.