Thursday, July 27, 2017


“Is it Raining?!%#!”

Out of a deep sleep she startles wide awake with the question: “Is it raining?” I could tell by the saucer size eyes upon her face, it was. I didn’t have to look out the window. Awakened from a deep solid sleep, Anita has super powers beyond belief. 

The woman can hear rain out a dead sleep. I look out the window and surer than hell the heavens had opened upon out lovely dry clothes. Yes, I saw as we both bolt outside to quickly retrieve the days/damp/wet wash. 

I must say, Ireland makes my heart strong. That moment- that terrible awakening with her hand grasping my bicep with clenched fingers, brought me wide awake like a lightning bolt. Ireland is not for the weak of heart.

The wash is in! Mission accomplished! Never have I felt more aware of how much time and effort goes into to clean clothes. Cleanliness is totally next to Godliness. God must be Irish
 and a WOMAN!

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