Thursday, August 24, 2017

Heavenly event

The nicest thing about the eclipse was how we were all joined in one event. The event wasn’t about wars and politicians. It was an event where we all lifted our eyes upward toward the heavens.

Marshall McLuhan’s expression: “The medium is the message” rings loud and clear as we are all connected via social media. We are sharing and caring our lives with loved ones across the world, ALL at the same time.

With television in the 60’s, we were connected with the first moon flight and first steps of man upon the moon. Here we are yet again looking at the heavens, all of us marveling upon the message. Mr. McLuhan played with the word “message” changing it to “mass age”, “mess age” and “massage”. I imagine he would be nodding his head and chuckling at all the photographs we have shared and how incredible that the eclipse could bring us ALL together as a world.

For one glorious event- we looked upward. We weren’t arguing over differences. What a glorious experience it was.

The graphic was created with photos of soapy bubbles. Anita stood in the garden waving her magical bubble wand. I keep taking millions of photographs. I combined them playing with photoshop.

The bubbles remind me of dichroic glass, the rainbow colors shimmering magically, the skin of the bubble fragile and alive in its shape for only a few seconds. We are all like the rainbow bubble eclipsing one another, looking upward and marveling at the magnificence of the heavens.

Thank you Facebook for connecting us all! Thank you blogger g-mail folks for letting me put my tiny bubble of words out into the world, if only to live for a few moments it takes to read this. Thank you reader for giving me your time.

For that is really all that matters in the end, what we focus upon. What we give our time to. A few days ago nothing mattered but looking upward. It was delicious and incredible. 

Looking forward to more heavenly events.

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