Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I am grinning because you are reading this! 
If you know me- then you know how I love to hug.

Lots of people ask me- why are you so happy?

(Pulling you to your feet- and hugging you sooo tight that you start laughing)

I want you to be happy. I want you to “get it” –so you can be grinning and dancing every day as you head out your front door -- as you go about your day-like I do!

What you imagine- what you think about day in and day out will manifest itself into your life.
If you are saying: “I want” statements- it comes from a needy place- and that isn’t going to bring those things to you.
You need to see yourself already there.

Imagine what you desire to be- see it with all of your senses. Use your imagination- or image in action.
Visualize yourself already there.

It takes time for the energy of that image to sink deep into your spirit. Keep focusing on you being healthier, on your being abundant and believe in those images. Rest in the knowing that they will manifest into your reality.

There is one aspect of this- that many people are not aware of. It is the “doing”.
Every day- do an action that helps you become what you desire.
If it is sharpening your mental tools, perhaps taking a class, then do so. If it is walking 20 minutes a day, do that. If it is doing push ups in your bed before you get up in the morning, then go ahead--- one little thing will make you FEEL marvelous!!!

The mind has the power over your actions.

A good friend (waving) went to an acupuncturist and her doctor said: Be aware- focus- and ignore.

Good advice.

Soaring beside you.

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