Wednesday, December 11, 2013


There are 3 topics I want to write about and for the life of me I can not figure out how to connect them. So- they will be 3 separate thoughts. A package of Love, snow and sculpture.

Package of Love!

I was so fabulously surprised to receive a package from my sister. (waving to Lynn) I opened it. And found a glorious shawl. Soft and artsy and wonderful! I wrapped it around me and looked at the woman looking back.

She looked regale in her shawl.  I didn’t recognize her.

The gifts were items my sister personally knew I would love. The sail boat on the coffee mug is PERFECT. (smiling sigh) Oh how I love candles and lavender!

I cried. I admit I was over come with love for my sweet sister. She is the best. (Helen- call Lynn and tell her I wrote this-waving)

I will wear the shawl and move the next floor up. I am the artist that is  “becoming“.


Friends are posting photos of snow. Trees cradling the white magic in the crooks of their arms. I think about my ex and how we never played in the snow. I wonder why.

I love the way the snow covers hard edges, everything becomes a snow cone. (smiling) In New Orleans you can get the best snow cones EVER!


Yesterday, I sculpted the female torso. In one day we took the nothing shape of mud and created a female form. It was heaven. The Maestro- Lawrence Noble (waving) insisted we use only the wonder tool and a wood paddle.  I was nervous but determined. In the end, I pulled it off. It was a glorious form- she had perfectly shaped breast, great muscles in her back and fabulous melon buttocks. (smiling) A great day for creating.

Last night I dreamed about the "wonder tool" (laughing) I guess my sub subconscious is embracing using tools over hands.

Thank you all for you love and support.

And Lynn- YOU amaze me! (pulling you into my arms for a huge 60 second hug) Thank you Dear. You really made my Christmas special!!

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